Ocean Energy Scale-Up Alliance (OESA)
An international partnership to accelerate the scale up of 4 ocean energy pilots.The Ocean Energy Scale-Up Alliance (OESA) unites the ocean energy sector in North Sea Region (NSR) and implements an innovative Pilot Accelerator Programme to contribute to the accelerated greening of the region.
OESA partners work together to develop new services to support accelerated deployment of ocean energy parks in NSR. This is the first project building an alliance between the Nordics and North-West Europe. It already realises the deployment of 4 pilots during the project, that will increase the installed ocean energy capacity with 30% and reduce 100.000 tonnes CO2 emission.
Project specifics
OESA is a 3 year project, running from January 2019 to December 2021. The project has a total budget of 6.2 million euro and is supported by the Interreg North Sea Region Programme through 3.1 million euro of ERDF funding.
The project overall objectives of OESA are:
- Develop, evaluate and promote a transnational Scale-up offer
- Deploy four scaled-up ocean energy pilots
- Increase stakeholder engagement to optimise conditions for future deployments
In order to realise the transnational Pilot Accelerator Program in OESA, the following project beneficiaries work together in the international partnership:
Dutch Marine Energy Center (DMEC), The Netherlands
Aalborg University, Denmark
AKP AS, Norway
Danish Wave Energy Center (DanWEC), Denmark
European Marine Energ Center (EMEC), UK
Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult (OREC), UK
SSPA Sweden AB, Sweden
Uppsala University, Sweden
Seabased Norway AS, Norway
Nemos GmbH, Germany
Floating Power Plant a/s, Denmark
SeaTwirl AB, Sweden