'Train the Trainer' Workshop 2021
On Monday 5 July and Wednesday 7 July, a group of 12 NorthSEE partners and their colleagues joined an online MSP Challenge ‘Train the Trainer’ workshop, hosted by Harald Warmelink and Magali Gonçalves from Breda University of Applied Sciences. On the first morning, the participants learned what it means to play or use MSP Challenge: accessing (geo-)data, drawing up spatial plans, collaborating with team members and other teams, and evaluating simulated impacts of all the spatial plans. On the second morning, the participants learned more about the inner workings of the entire platform and the North Sea edition in particular. This knowledge and experience enable the participants to set up and facilitate MSP Challenge sessions themselves. Hence, they learned more about the simulations’ workings on energy production and transportation, shipping route pathfinding, and the marine ecosystem effects (biomass and distribution of species).