This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.
Visit the new website
-S- hipping
Current legislation relevant for shipping
The history of shipping of the North Sea
Current shipping routes and martime traffic (2016)
International routing measures for shipping (IMO)
Nationally designated priority areas for shipping
Conclusions current status of shipping
Drivers and enablers for future shipping activities
Ship design and marine technology
Fuel and energy
Digitalization of shipping
Development on shore side
Conclusions future trends shipping
-E- energy
Transnational energy cooperation between North Sea countries
Energy profiles in the North Sea
Offshore renewable energy developments - Offshore Wind
Offshore renewable energy developments - Ocean Energy
The role of MSP for Offshore Energy Developments
Summary status quo of energy developments
Energy policies in the North Sea
Offshore renewable energy industry outlook - until 2030
Offshore renewable energy industry outlook - 2030 and beyond
Future Energy Industry Trends
Analysis of future outlook
Summary future energy trends
Conclusions / Main findings
Regional cooperation initiatives on offshore linear infrastructure
Existing offshore linear energy infrastructure and grid connections
North Sea Region interconnection
Planning and licensing
Technical and spatial planning criteria
Transnational Interconnector case studies
Future interconnector demand
Future electricity trends and grid developments
The role of MSP for grid development / spatial implications
Coherence study between offshore linear energy infrastructure and other marine users
Planning solutions and proposals for routes, gates and land fall points
Main findings
Recommendations grid / interconnectors
-E- nvironment
Integrated & horizontal activities
NorthSEE Project Results Video
'Train the Trainer' Workshop
NorthSEE Interim Findings Brochure published online
NorthSEE in Offshore Wind Magazine
Interim Status quo report on offshore linear energy infrastructure in the North Sea Region published
Connecting Seas conference in the Deutsche Seeschifffahrt Magazine
First joint North Sea and Baltic Sea conference in Hamburg
Environmental Connectivity Study published
SAVE THE DATE - NorthSEE-Baltic LINes MSP Conference 13-14 February 2019
MSP Energy Challenge Aberdeen
1st MSP Challenge of the NorthSEE project
Press release: Interregional cooperation in Maritime Spatial Planning kick-started at a joint meeting in Copenhagen
NorthSEE - Baltic LINes MSP Conference 2019
Interactive stakeholder workshop on shipping in the North Sea
Interactive stakeholder meeting on energy developments
Project Downloads & Library
Related projects/initiaves
Connecting Seas Conference 2019
NorthSEE Project Results Video
-S- hipping
-E- energy
-E- nvironment
Integrated & horizontal activities
NorthSEE Project Results Video
'Train the Trainer' Workshop
NorthSEE Interim Findings Brochure published online
NorthSEE in Offshore Wind Magazine
Interim Status quo report on offshore linear energy infrastructure in the North Sea Region published
Connecting Seas conference in the Deutsche Seeschifffahrt Magazine
First joint North Sea and Baltic Sea conference in Hamburg
Environmental Connectivity Study published
SAVE THE DATE - NorthSEE-Baltic LINes MSP Conference 13-14 February 2019
MSP Energy Challenge Aberdeen
1st MSP Challenge of the NorthSEE project
Press release: Interregional cooperation in Maritime Spatial Planning kick-started at a joint meeting in Copenhagen
Project Downloads & Library
Related projects/initiaves
Connecting Seas Conference 2019
NorthSEE Project Results Video
08 November 2021 - Published by Malena Ripken