Welcome to Northern Connections!
Welcome to Northern Connections! We are a partnership of 22 clusters, cities, regions and knowledge institutions working together to create innovation connections between enterprises and clusters in the energy sector.
"People are the source of innovation be they in a specific industry, the academia or the public sector. Innovation could be as easy as an elevator pitch for an unexpected encounter or as complex as unifying a dozen different partners towards a common vision. It’s not necessarily the quest for the holy grail, but rather a fruitful sharing of experiences and mutual adapting of best practice that provides the foundation for innovation."
Latest Project News
Webinars: Cluster Management Training
11 November 2020The third and final Northern Connections cluster training sessions will take place on December 9th and December 10th from 14:00-16:30.
Read moreThe Next Living Lab Event: A Roadmap to Climate Neutral Construction in Malmö
06 November 2020Malmö’s construction sector must become climate neutral, but we need your help! Learn about the biggest challenges construction companies are facing, …
Read moreNordic-Dutch virtual matchmaking on Hydrogen Solutions for Green Growth
06 November 2020The Nordic-Dutch virtual matchmaking on Hydrogen Solutions for Green Growth is an event organised by the Nordic embassies in the Netherlands and New E…
Read moreThe first fully online Living Lab on Sustainable Hospitals was a success
06 November 2020On September 24th, almost 100 participants tuned in to participate in the first fully digital matchmaking event in the Northern Connections project. A…
Read moreFinal Conference 2020!
09 September 2020In the beginning of September, the Northern Connections' Final Conference was held as an online conference with more than 150 participants from all ov…
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