Developing and expanding mobility hubs in Middelburg
Gemeente MiddelburgA key element of the mobility policy of Middelburg is implementing transport in a sustainable way. As a result, a mobility hub reduces car rides and/or a makes mobility more environmentally friendly. This through for example, an e-car share system, contributes to accomplishing this municipal goal. Two mobility hubs in Middelburg will be developed as part of the MOVE project.
A mobility hub is a physical location in which different means of mobility meet each other. This collection of transportation options on one recognizable location ensures for combi mobility. A train station is the predominant mobility hub for a city, although in addition, there are mobility hubs for a neighbourhood and/or business areas. Dispersed over a city or region mobility hubs ensure a clear, recognizable network of hubs. The main function is providing mobility services in which other services will also be offered, for example: a restaurant establishment located at the train station as well as p-area Oude Veerseweg (From Mobipunt, Advier 2018).
Implementation mobility hub p-area Oude Veerseweg
Based on the results from the explore and design phase, the existing parking area will be extended on behalf of the upgrade needed for a mobility hub with diverse functions.
- Expansion of parking area with approximately 80 parking places for the purpose of:
- For optimal functioning of the mobility hub; specifically, to support the Park & Ride function. Counts showed that during the summer period there is a shortage of about 40 places. This number came forth out of wrongly parked cars and/or supply and demand analysis (traffic that is looking for a parking spot). This is a specific addition to the p-area Oude Veerseweg from MOVE. An optimal functioning P+R function will lead to a decrease in traffic flows towards the city centre of Middelburg.
- Furthermore, there is an extension of specially reserved places for an e-car share system. The Foundation ‘Stichting Duurzame Mobiliteit Zeeland’ did an assessment for promising spots for shared e-cars hubs; p-area Oude Veerseweg is one of them. With a maximum of 10 places. See attachment ‘Exploration Stichting Duurzame Mobiliteit Zeeland’. The use of an e-car share system leads to mobility possibilities for individuals who do not own a car, it leads to a more thoughtful use of a car (so not automatically using a car) and the transport with an e-car is cleaner relative to a fossil fuel car. The e-car share system is a specific addition to p-area Oude Veerseweg from MOVE.
- Furthermore, there is an extension of special spots for e-charging cars. Buro Overmorgen diagnosed the need for charging facilities for the coming 5 years (until 2025; this showed that in and around the city centre there is a demand for about 300 charging points. Additionally, Buro Overmogen investigated to what extend tourists have a need for charging facilities. This showed that also for tourists, measurements need to be taken. Concerning 24 parking places. Publications Buro Overmorgen: see attachment. The addition of a charging point leads to the stimulation of the use of clean vehicles as well as contributing to satisfying the needs on a short term for charging points for citizens as well as for visitors of Middelburg. The e-charging facility is a specific addition to p-area Oude Veersweg from Move.
- The expansion is also used for special places for carpoolers. The municipality of Middelburg is receiving questions from citizens about carpool places regularly and the request to make places for carpooling available. Concerning about 20 parking places. This is a specific addition to p-area Oude Veerseweg from MOVE.
- Shared bikes. The shared bikes are primarily being used as a before- or after means of transport for motorists who use p-area Oude Veerseweg as a transfer spot. The use of shared bikes leads to a reduction of car movements in the city centre as well as a relieve of parking pressure. Target group: primarily commuters. This is a specific addition to p-area Oude Veerseweg from MOVE.
- Rental E-scooters. This is primarily meant for tourists who can discover Middelburg and/or Walcheren in a different way than by car. This is not a specific addition from MOVE, but is available on the mobility hub.
- Bicycle rental. Already available at the p-area Oude Veerseweg. This is not an addition from MOVE, but is available on the mobility hub.
- Bicycle storage. Already available at the p-area Oude Veerseweg. This is not an addition from MOVE, but is available on the mobility hub.
- Restaurant facilities. Already available at the p-area Oude Veerseweg. This is not an addition from MOVE, but is available on the mobility hub.
- Bicycle repair facilities. Already available at the p-area Oude Veerseweg. This is not an addition from MOVE, but is available on the mobility hub.
View the technical drawing of Parking Area Oude-Veerseweg here
Concrete implementation mobility hub train – and bus station Middelburg
Also in this case own research was used (as a part of MOVE) as well as already existing research material. The findings of these studies led to a concrete implementation for the pilot mobility hub station.
The presence of the station (and bus station) offers an important chance to increase the value of this location as a mobility hub within MOVE. Also in this case it is primarily sought after in adding modes of transport to increase the transfer- and choice possibilities and increasing the accessibility and recognisability of the mobility hub.
It specifically applies to the station, that the road infrastructure in front of the station will undergo reconstruction at the end of this year. This offers a unique chance to add, together with the reconstruction, additional items in line with the MOVE objectives focused on infrastructural enhancement of this mobility hub (budgetline investments). For this matter the extra investments from the minor change request could be used.
Two budgetline investment items are eligible for this:
- The establishment of a square for Kiss and Ride and adding an e-car share system (see attachment), at the front side of the station instead of the backside.
- Re-establishing the front square of the station for better accessibility for cyclers and pedestrians. With this there is primarily thought about measures to improve the ease of crossing. For example, measures to reduce the speed limit to 30 km/h through an elevation in the road (look at design attachment and report Cooltowns and MOVE meeting).
The station as a mobility hub contains the next (already available) elements. For these element there won’t be any additions within the MOVE project:
- Rental bikes (already available)
- Trains and busses (already available)
- Taxi stands and a Park and ride (already available)
- Bicycle parking facilities (already available)