Zweckverband Verkehrsverbund Süd-Niedersachsen
In Lower Saxony the counties are responsible for public road transport. The ZVSN in South Lower Saxony is an association between the counties of Göttingen, Northeim and Holzminden and fulfils all tasks to plan, organize and secure public road transport based on the politically decided Regional transport plan South Lower Saxony 2017. As the responsible institution for local transport and mobility, ZVSN will take part in the local partnership with the CoN, bringing in the expertise into the project.The implementation and further development of the local transport plan is of great importance for the ZVSN. A decisive factor in this context is the topic of multi-/intermodality. The use of public transport offers is strongly dependent on their attractiveness. By creating new offers in public transport, as e.g. car- and bike-sharing, interconnected mobility could be ensured and public transport would become much more attractive, attracting more (new) users – this is exactly the aim of the ZVSN.
Role in MOVE: The ZVSN brings into the project its’ professional expertise and the responsibility for the public transport in the region. Furthermore, the ZVSN has the role of promoting practical aspects of multi-/ intermodality within the framework of the local partnership.
Markus Menge