Universiteit Gent

i-KNOW UGent develops state-of-art processing chains for processing and fusion of smart city data sources (sensors, fleet management, smartphones, etc.) which has led to a platform, for real-time processing and analysis for smart applications. Within this project, UGent offers tools that can provide detailed insight in mobility patterns through survey and observed behaviour, that can be translated to support the operational deployment and business modelling for new mobility services in rural areas.

i-KNOW UGent works towards further valorisation of this technology in cooperation with governmental and industry partners. The living lab deployment for tackling the mobility challenges as posed in the MOVE NSR project can help to further finetune the MOVE (platform) tools and the insights relevant for this domain. After the pilots, i-KNOW is interested in post-project valorisation of the results.

Role in MOVE: i-KNOW UGent will be one of the knowledge partners in the project. Our role is, together with the other knowledge partners, to present generic tools for the regional pilots for analysis, design and testing of their activities in WP3. The tools will be used by the regions themselves, but the result of these tools will be taken up by the knowledge partners in order to analyse effectiveness of the pilots in a standardized & comparable manner, which will support the valorisation in WP5.


Universiteit Gent website

