MOPINO launched by County of Northeim!

02 February 2021 - Published by Zoe Verdaasdonk-Schiphorst
For a better mobility in rural areas - start of the new e-car sharing system MOPINO in the city of Northeim.

The e-car sharing system "MOPINO" (MOVE-PIlot-NOrtheim), initiated by the County of Northeim within the framework of the EU Interreg NSR project MOVE, has recently been launched. The pilot project MOPINO was implemented together with the cooperation and project partners of the city of Northeim, the Northeim public utility company (SWN), the Zweckverband Verkehrsverbund Süd-Niedersachsen (ZVSN) and the Georg-August University of Göttingen. The new sharing offer will initially be available in the Northeim city area from January 2021 till the end of February 2022.

Both the local population and guests of the city of Northeim can now use an electric vehicle at the charging stations at Medenheimer Platz and at the Rathaus in Northeim. Another charging station with a further vehicle is to be put into operation at the railway station shortly.

The vehicles can be booked at any time via internet or app. Anyone who wants to use the service must register online and then receives an RFID chip. During the pandemic, the registration process is deliberately handled digitally by the sharing provider Regio.Mobil Deutschland GmbH using video conferencing technology or photos. Normally the process takes three to four days in the standard due to the mailing of the RFID chips before the vehicles can be booked.

The vehicles are the Renault Zoe model, which has an operating range of around 200 to 300 kilometres, depending on use. This makes the compact cars suitable for both shorter trips in the city and longer trips in the surrounding area. After use, the vehicle is plugged back in for charging at the charging station where it was initially picked up, so that it is ready for the next use.