
Co-creating Public Service

29 May 2017 - Published by Renske Stumpel
Governmental organisations, municipalities in particular, are facing challenges on improvement of public services, communication and participation. To assist local governments in these developments, several nationwide Dutch organisations on Public Services and the European Like! project have joint forces. Three interactive work sessions are scheduled in May and June ’17. Key ingredients for these sessions will be the implementation of new approaches. Participants are stimulated to share their experiences in an online community (LinkedIn community).

Approximately 50 organisations will participate in the following sessions:

Day 1: Data Driven Municipalities
Technology drives accessibility towards local and national governmental organisations. How can data help to improve customers contacts?

Day 2: New ways to interact
Social media and other new channels help to improve communication and improve the relationship between citizens and public organisations. How can we use these effectively?

Day 3: The new balance between citizens and governmental organisations
Almost every city council program aims to collaborate as good as possible with local communities. Civil servants also share this ambition. Bringing this into practice appears often difficult. What does work?

You will find the publication of these three sessions here.

For detailed information (Dutch) and subscribing: VNG Realisatie.
Organizing partners:
VNG Realisatie; VDP; HowAboutYou and Interreg project Like!