Chatbots for Flemish cities
In October 2018, the Flemish local elections took place. As a result of these elections, new town councils were formed and installed. For those newly elected council members, the Flemish Organization for Cities and Municipalities (VVSG) and the Agency for the Administrative Board (ABB) organized an introduction party on the 21st of January in Antwerp. Over 1300 delegates were presented to get informed and submerged in various seminars, presentations and debates. In addition, on the market place cities and municipalities were able to present innovative improvements for public service delivery.
The city of Roeselare presented the Chatbot as a good practice for Artificial Intelligence (AI). Both presentation sessions were immediately fully booked. Over 40 interested delegates and CEO’s were very interested in the application possibilities and implementation requirements of chatbots for the improvement of public service delivery.
As a partner of the Like! project, Roeselare was able to present the chatbot to a very interested audience. All participants were enthusiastic about the possibilities of AI and many of them expressed the desire to implement this chatbot in their own municipality. A successful presentation of a Like! pilot!