This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.

Publications, presentations, reports

This page presents internal and external publications, presentation and reports on the topic of underwater noise.

END REPORT (June 2021)


Reports for the work packages:



Guidelines for the reduction of underwater noise from commercial shipping to address adverse impacts on marine life

IMO International Maritime Organization
Ship underwater radiated noise Kendrick, Andrew
Terweij, Rienk
Vard Marine Inc.
Underwater Noise Monitoring in the North Sea Kinneging, Niels Hydro International
Recreational vessels without Automatic Identification System (AIS) dominate anthropogenic noise contributions to a shallow water soundscape

Hermannsen, Line

Mikkelsen, Lonnie

Tougaard, Jakob

Beedholm, Christian

Johnson, Mark

Madsen, Peter

Scientific Reports, Natureresearch
Validated shipping noise maps of the Northeast Atlantic. Science of The Total Environment

Farcas, Adrian

Powell, Claire

Brookes, Kate

Merchant, Nathan

Science of the Total Environment
Measurements of underwater noise radiated by commercial ships at a cabled ocean observatory Zhang, Guosong
NesseForland, Tonje
Johnsen, Espen
Pedersen, Geir
Dong, Hefeng
Marine Pollution Bulletin
How loud is the underwater noise from operating offshore wind turbines?

Tougaard, Jakob

Hermannsen, Line

Madsen, Peter

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
A Reference Spectrum Model for Estimating Source Levels of Marine Shipping Based on Automated Identification System Data

MacGillivray, Alexander

De Jong, Christ

Journal of Marine Science and Engineering
Standard for Terminology FINAL

Robinson, Stephen

Wang, Lian

Standards for data processing FINAL

Ward, Jake

Wang, Lian

Robinson, Stephen

Harris, Peter

Standard procedure for equipment performace, calibration and deployment

Robinson, Stephen

Ward, Jake

Wang, Lian

Crawford, N

Acoustic metric specification

Merchant, Nathan

Farcas, Adrian

Powell, Claire

Report on Data management workshop

Andersson, Mathias

Kinneging, Niels

JOMOPANS measurement guidelines

Fischer, Jens

Kühnel, Dennis

Basan, Fritjof


Uncertainty report

Putland, Rosalyn

Farcas, Adrian

Merchant, Nathan 


Guidelines for modelling ocean ambient noise

De Jong, Christ

Binnerts, Bas

Robinson, Stephen

Wang, Lian


Jomopans model benchmarking and sensitivity studies

De Jong, Christ

Binnerts, Bas

Östberg, Martin

Karasalo, Ilkka 

Folegot, Thomas

Clorennec, Dominique

Ainslie, Michael

MacGillivray, Alex

Warner, Graham

Wang, Lian


Model predictions 2018 measurement sites



Binnerts, Bas

De Jong, Christ

Von Benda Beckmann, Sander

De Krom, Paul

Östberg, Martin

Folegot, Thomas

Ainslie, Michael

Welch, Sam

Model benchmarking results for ship noise in shallow water Binnerts, Bas
De Jong, Christ
Karasalob, Ilkka
Östberg, Martin
Folegot, Thomas
Clorennec, Dominique
Ainslie, Michael
Warner, Graham
Wang, Lian
UACE 2019, Crete
Standards for project Jomopans: Ocean noise monitoring for the North Sea Robinson, Stephen
Wang, Lian
Ward, Jake
UACE 2019, Crete
Joint monitoring programme for ambient noise in the North Sea Kinneging, Niels
Andersson, Mathias
Robinson, Stephen
De Jong, Christ
Fischer, Jens
Merchant, Nathan
Tougaard, Jakob

Aquatic Noise 2019

The Hague

Underwater sound mapping: statistics and uncertainty De Jong, Christ
Binnerts, Bas
Östberg, Martin
Karasalob, Ilkka
Folegot, Thomas
Clorennec, Dominique
Ainslie, Michael
MacGillivray, Alexander
Warner, Graham
Wang, Lian

Aquatic Noise 2019

The Hague
Welcome kickoff Kinneging, Niels Jomopans Kickoff
Opening kickoff Allewijn, Roeland Jomopans Kickoff
Keynote Tasker, Mark Jomopans Kickoff
UN presentation Jomopans Kinneging, Niels
Dekeling, Rene
United Nations conference, June 2018
Jomopans progress November 2018 Kinneging, Niels

TG Noise


Jomopans progress April 2019 Tougaard, Jakob

TG Noise
