This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.

TNO, Netherlands

TNO is an independent research organisation established by law as legal public entity, resulting in certain societal responsibilities to create solutions to the challenges that society presents us. TNO has experience in the modelling of underwater sound caused by shipping, underwater explosions, seismic surveys, offshore pile driving and wind and rain. This knowledge has been further developed in research on source mechanisms, propagation of underwater sound and possible impact on aquatic life.

The joint monitoring framework set up in JOMOPANS will be beneficial for society as it will help EU-MS achieve or maintain Good Environmental Status in the North Sea, and thus help TNO fulfil its legal status. TNO also participates in the EU expert advisory group TG Noise that advises MS on the implementation of Descriptor 11. Participation in this Interreg - project will enable TNO to provide up to date advice.

In the EU project Sonic TNO developed methods for making shipping sound maps in shallow water. TNO is also involved in two US government-funded projects:

1) to monitor underwater sound on the US outer continental shelf (ADEON), and

2) to quantify potential impact on marine life caused by sound radiated by impact pile driving (PASS).

TNO’s role in ADEON is to ensure harmonization of monitoring procedures with other US and European projects, and in PASS to provide expertise on sound radiation.

TNO will coordinate WP4 (modelling), and will make sound maps for the North Sea region to be monitored for shipping, wind and other sound sources of interest. Furthermore, TNO will participate in WP1, WP2 (communication), WP3 (standardization), WP6 (identifying a suitable metric to quantify GES) and WP7 (understanding the impact of underwater noise on GES).
