This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.

Scottish Ministers, acting through Marine Scotland, United Kingdom

Marine Scotland (MS) provides the evidence to support the marine policies and regulatory activities of the Scottish Government. MS undertakes research and monitoring to provide scientific and technical advice on a wide range of marine and fisheries issues, at research laboratories and from vessels. MS can provide vessel time, staff time and considerable expertise regarding the deployment of long term marine data recording equipment. MS will provide the link to Governmental end-users in Scotland.
  • Creation of a cohesive North Sea network of underwater noise monitoring
  • Contribute to body of knowledge on anthropogenic/industrial noise in North Sea region, with respect to
  • impacts on cetaceans and conservation of European Protected Species
  • Transfer of knowledge between EU partners
  • Monitoring of underwater sound in response to MSFD Descriptor 11/OSPAR quality objective
  • Building existing array of underwater noise monitoring
  • Sharing of resources e.g. equipment and vessel time

MS have participated in and coordinated numerous EU-funded projects in recent years, e.g. NORTHSEE, MUSES, RICORE. MS data is used in international assessments conducted by inter-governmental organisations such as OSPAR and ICES, and MS staff collaborate extensively with academics across the UK and internationally. Collaboration in EU projects is widespread throughout the organisation.

Set-up of scientific acoustic monitoring equipment; set-up of static moorings; deployment and recovery of underwater sound recording equipment; collation, archiving and analysis of underwater sound data; transfer of knowledge to governmental endusers and international bodies; publication and dissemination of data and results; creation of legacy (capitalisation) through standardisation of methods and data archiving.
