This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.

Swedish Defence Research Agency, Sweden

The Swedish Research Defence Agency is one of Sweden’s largest research facilities in the field of applied research. About 40 people are employed working solely with underwater research. FOI has established unique experience through combining research in experimental and environmental underwater acoustics. FOI is a federal agency active throughout Sweden with Headquarters in the Stockholm area. FOI runs projects and operate in both the North Sea and Baltic Sea regions.

FOI is supporting the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. FOI provides expert guidance and advice on the implementation of the Descriptor 11 of the MSFD. FOI participate as national representative in OSPAR-ICG Noise and HELCOM on matters related to D11. FOI’s participation will strengthen our role in Sweden. The internal benefits are that FOI improves its capability in modelling and experimental methodologies.

  • Project Coordinator of the EU-Life program BIAS (project related to underwater sound)
  • Work package leader in EU-contracted project MaRVEN dealing with underwater noise and electromagnetic
  • fields.
  • Project partner in FP7 AQUO-project looking at effects of ship noise on fish.
  • Project partner in BONUS SHEBA-project to study source level of ships in the Baltic Sea.
  • Project partner in EU-project BalticBoost facilitating an implementation of MSFD in the HELCOM region.

 FOI’s main role is to be work package leader of WP2 and will specifically ensure that harmonization takes place and that communication is kept open and continuously alive with external initiatives and stakeholders. In WP 4, FOI will undertake verification of software for underwater sound modelling and will model underwater noise at some of the measurement sites. In WP5, FOI will establish a cabled monitoring station for ambient sound in the Swedish EEZ within the North Sea.

