This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.

Norwegian Defence Research Establishment, Norway

FFI is Norway's largest R&D organization within military research. Knowledge of the underwater domain is one important competence that we possess. This includes in particular underwater acoustics and oceanography but we also carryout research on environmental effects of anthropogenic noise for military and civilian authorities and industry.

Noise pollution are becoming increasingly recognized as a potential problem, and assessment of underwater noise has therefore become an important aspect of FFI`s advisory tasks, both to the military and civilian authorities. Participation in this project will ensure a good collaboration with the other states around the North Sea towards a common standardization of noise assessment.

FFI is a governmental research organization under the Ministry of Defence in Norway. Our main funding source is direct funding from MoD or the armed forces, but we also participate is some EU-project or other international research collaborations such as the European Defence Agency and NATOs science and technology organization.

FFI is very experienced in collecting and analyzing underwater acoustic data. We will be responsible for noise measurements in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea and a quiet reference area in the Norwegian Sea. We will also be responsible for giving feedback to and from Norwegian authorities responsible for management of noise pollution. This task implies involvement also in the development of management tools to assess underwater noise.
