This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.

Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science, United Kingdom

Cefas is a UK Government Agency specializing in marine science and technology, and providing scientific advice, monitoring, and assessment to UK Government, UK Overseas Territories,international governments, public and private sector organisations, educational and research institutions, as well as non-governmental organisations.

Cefas is responsible for MSFD monitoring of underwater noise in England and Wales, and for the MSFD D11.2.1 assessment for the UK (on behalf of Defra). Cefas is also the UK co-convener of OSPAR ICG-NOISE, which provides scientific coordination for underwater noise monitoring and assessment in the OSPAR maritime region. The outputs from JOMOPANS will assist Cefas in these activities.

Cefas has extensive experience in a large number of EU co-financed projects, including Horizon 2020, INTERREG, and FP7. Specific EU-funded underwater noise projects include the Cefas-led project “Impacts of noise and use of propagation models to predict the recipient side of noise” (ENV.D.2/FRA/2012/0025), and the noise work package of the FP7 project Common Sense (grant number 614155).

Cefas will coordinate WP6, which combines the measurements of underwater noise with modelled predictions. Cefas is also a beneficiary in the other work packages.
