This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.

Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, Germany

The BSH is responsible for maritime safety, hydrographic survey, maritime pollution monitoring, and approvals of offshore installations within the German EEZ. The BSH is the authority for national and international implementation of requirements under MSFD. Monitoring activities focus on the status of traditional marine physical variables, such as temperature, salinity, sea state, marine geology and underwater noise. Furthermore, BSH is an archive centre for marine geodata.

The BSH has a major national monitoring and assessment role within the implementation of the EU-MSFD, which includes the MSFD-Descriptor 11. Project results will be used directly as a basis for future monitoring and management strategies related to ambient noise. The resulting management tools from this project will help to manage underwater noise to reach MSFD requirements.

BSH has a considerable experience in organising and development of EU funded projects. Currently the BSH is the lead beneficiary for the two Interreg projects (NorthSEE and BalticLINes) and participates in different EU funded projects projects related to uses of the sea, such as BalticSeaPlan and BalticScope.

The BSH will co-ordinate the activities of WP5 within the project. As the lead of this work package on “Measurements”, BSH is responsible for the development of an integrated monitoring programme to provide in-situ data which are required for further components of the project.
