This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.

Jomopans presented at OSPAR-Helcom meeting

30 January 2018 - Published by aNiels Kinneging
Niels Kinneging presented the Jomopans project at a meeting of the Noise expert groups of OSPAR and Helcom

On 5 October 2017 a joint meeting was held by the ICG Noise of OSPAR and the EN Noise group of Helcom. The meeting took place at the Swedish Agency for marine and Water Management in Gothenburg. These two expert groups discuss all issues related to underwater sound for the OSPAR region (North East Atlantic) and the Helcom region (Baltic Sea).

At this meeting Niels Kinneging (project manager of Jomopans) presented and discuss the plans for the project, that is due to start in January 2018.