This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.

Jomopans at ESOMM/JIP

21 September 2018 - Published by Niels Kinneging
From 10 to 14 September 2018 the international ESOMM conference was held in conjunction with the JIP Programme at Scheveningen in The Netherlands. With a lot of experts on acoustics and sea mammals present it was an exelent opportunity to discuss the Jomopans project.

The 6th International Meeting on the Effects of Sound in the Ocean on Marine Mammals (ESOMM-2018) and the 3rd Programme Review Meeting of the IOGP E&P Sound & Marine Life Joint Industry Programme (JIP-PRM) have held their meetings together in Scheveningen (part of The Hague, Netherlands).


The meeting was organized by TNO and others and the most recent advances on underwater acoustics and the effects on sea life (especially marine mammals) were discussed. The JIP meeting focussed on the efforts from the oil and gas industry or mitigate the effects of exploration (using sound) on the environment.

Jomopans is regarded as one of the major initiatives for sound monitoring and a number of the Jomopans partners were present in Scheveningen. A good opportunity to discuss the project with the 150 visitors to the conference and at the same time keeping up with all other initiatives.

Marine Scotland presented a poster in which the role Jomopans in marine monitoring is discussed.
