This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.

Midterm Event

14 October 2019 - Published by Niels Kinneging
Jomopans is a three year project and will finish at the end of 2020. At this moment the project has entered the second half. This is a good opportunity to organize a public meeting on 8 October to discuss all efforts made by the project and the topic of underwater sound in general.

The Jomopans team prepared a varied programme and a very special venue to have the meeting. The venue was the Royal Society in London. On these historic grounds a lot of scientific history of the United Kingdom and the world was written.

The major aim of this day was to discuss the topic of underwater noise. It was noted that Jomopans is one of the major initiatives in the world and the project was complimented on the achievements in the first half of its lifetime. Under the guidance of the day chair, Colin Moffat, the attendants discussed the project results and future work.

After the official opening by Sarah Holsen from Interreg North Sea Region a key note on the importance of sound to marine life and the threats for the environment by human noise was given by Peter Tyack from the Mammal Research Centre of the University of St. Andrews.


Next Niels Kinneging, project manager of Jomopans, presented the results until now. The first copies of the Jomopans Policy Brief was presented to two members of the Policy Advisory Board, Herlinde Vanhoutte and Carina Juretzek.

After the official opening by Sarah Holsen from Interreg North Sea Region a key note on the importance of sound to marine life and the threats for the environment by human noise was given by Peter Tyack from the Mammal Research Centre of the University of St. Andrews.

Next Niels Kinneging, project manager of Jomopans, presented the results until now. The first copies of the Jomopans Policy Brief was presented to two members of the Policy Advisory Board, Herlinde Vanhoutte and Carina Juretzek.

 The afternoon started with an entertaining and informative quiz by Mathias Andersson. A large number of underwater sounds were played. Jakob Tougaard presented the webbased GES Tool that Jomopans in developing to present all maps and measurements of Jomopans to marine managers and policy makers. It will be used to assess the marine environmental status. The day was closed by a panel discussion on all current topics for underwater noise.

 Jomopans wants to extend its efforts beyond the projects scope and the North Sea region. It has sought collaboration to a number of other projects and organisations. During the day six other initiatives presented themselves to illustrate this collaboration. The breaks offered the 75 attendees enough time to meet and discuss underwater noise.


The midterm event was very inspiring and a good start for the second half of Jomopans.

The presentations at the Midterm Event can be found HERE.