This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.

Jomopans-IQOE data workshop

26 July 2019 - Published by Niels Kinneging
On 13 July 2019 Jomopans organised is co-operation with the International Quiet Oceans Experiment (IQOE) a workshop on data management and dissemination of acoustic data. The workshop was held in the Park Hotel in The Hague (Netherlands) immediately after the Aquatic Noise conference in the same city. A group of invited experts discussed the data management challenges and solutions from the perspective of their project and organisation. The workshop formulated a declaration on this topic.

Measurements at sea require a lot of effort of acoustical experts and are costly. Luckily, many organisations are prepared to invest in acquiring high quality acoustical data. The monitoring project for the North Sea Jomopans (Joint Monitoring Programme for Ambient Noise North Sea) realizes 14 measurement stations for continuous sound. These data should be made available to scientist, policy makers and the public.

The IQOE Working Group on Data Management and Access wants to make as much as possible datasets available for re-use.  To do this, standards on data formats, technical solutions for storage and disclosure and presentation tools are needed. In addition, also other barriers should be lowered such as end user involvement, legal obstacles and willingness to share data.

In the Hague experts from many different countries sat together to discuss the challenges. The project were:

  • Jomopans, Europe (North Sea)

  • IQOE Data working group
  • IMOS, Australia
  • ECHO, Canada project (David Hannay, JASCO)
  • Adeon, USA
    , Baltic Sea
  • JONAS, Europe Atlantic region
  • QuietMed, Europe Mediterranean


Carrie Wall Bell (NOAA) presents her vision through a video message.


The workshop drafted a declaration:

"The participants of the workshop “Monitoring continuous underwater sound: beyond acquisition” state that the sharing of knowledge and data in the field of underwater acoustics is essential to progress in the scientific field as well as on the management of underwater sound. Measured and modelled data, and corresponding metadata, including the processing pathways, should be stored with the highest resolution possible in an easy to find repository.

Long term international co-operation needs to be established and supported in order to realize an operational framework for sharing and disseminating acoustical raw and/or processed data from monitoring programmes."


A report on the meeting can be found here.