This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.

End Event

At the end of the regular projects runtime Jomopans organised an online event on 10 June 2021. A full recording can be viewed of the event and all presentations are available.


A playlist of the various presentations at the Jomopans End Event.



Day chair: Dr. Hans Slabbekoorn, Leiden University

Opening address by Katja Portegies,

Jomopans project by Niels Kinneging, project manager, RWSt

WP4 Modelling by Christ De Jong, TNO

WP5 Measurements by Jens Fischer, BSH

WP3 Standardisation by Stephen Robinson, NPL

FFI Norway by Lars Odegaard

RBINS Belgium by Alain Norro

IMR Norway by Karen De Jong

Concert by Between Music, Robert Karlsson

Key note address by Dr. Leila Hatch US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

WP2 Communications by Mathias Andersson, FOI

WP6 Combination by Rosalyn Putland, CEFAS

MSC Scotland by Ewan Edwards

WP7 GES Tool by Jakob Tougaard and Emily Griffiths, Aarhus University

Future work by Niels Kinneging, Rijkswaterstaat