POM Oost-Vlaanderen


Provinciale Ontwikkelings Maatschappij Oost Vlaanderen

  • promote, encourage and initiate optimal usage of transport systems
  • a reliable, neutral facilitator between private companies (good and easy individual contact making and matchmaking)
  • experienced in identifying the needs of SME’s, assessing their situation and applying identified improvements
  • experienced in identifying, promoting and realizing modal shift opportunities
  • POM has an extensive business network related to Inland Waterways
  • developer of the ‘Scheldeshuttle’ push barge concept

Why is POM Oost Vlaanderen participating in the project?

  • share and acquire knowledge on operational and legislative bottlenecks and how they are successfully dealt with in other European countries
  • active field research at SME’s allowing to get an actual clear view on their needs and bottlenecks towards IWW modal shift
  • detection of methods to execute transhipment towards the waterways
  • detection of opportunities to move specific (new) cargo towards the waterways
  • expansion of our IWW business network

Has POM Oost Vlaanderen experience with international projects?

  • project coordinator for ‘Grenzeloze logistiek’ (Borderless Logistics) (Interreg IVA VLANED)
  • partner in ANSWER – (Interreg IV North Sea Programme)
  • partner in ECO2PROFIT - Interreg IV VLANED

What is your main role in the project?

  • create photo manual of captured solutions for transhipment. To promote modal shift.
  • detect, understand list the operational, legislative hindrances
  • make table with available IWW solutions + integrate detected opportunities
  • design an innovative transhipment solution to transport a construction material and paper products via IWT in cooperation with industry partners
  • pilot innovative transhipment solutions on 2 modal shifts.
