SAVE the DATE: Inland and coastal shipping - What's on?
9:30 Coffee and registration
10:00 Welcome and introduction - why using inland and coastal waterway transport?
Moderators Åsa Burman Lighthouse, Vendela Santén and Sara Rogerson SSPA
- What is the plan for Sweden? Pia Berglund, National coordinator inland waterways, Swedish Transport Administration
Theme - Regions and ports perspective
- Inland waterways on lake Vänern - creating value for regional businesses - Laila Gibson, Manager Vänersamarbetet
- Examples from other parts of Sweden - TBD
- Outlook from Netherlands - a municipality shaping conditions for using IWW - Mariet Tefi Dontje, Municipality of Smallingeland, Netherlands
Panel discussion - comparing regional perspectives
Theme - Applying new logistics solutions in practice
- Using self-propelled barge for IWW transport in Sweden - TBN
- Transshipment solutions for a competitive modal shift - Danny Van Rijkel, POM Oost Vlanderen, Belgium
- Perspectives of new IWW logistics concepts - Vendela Santén and Sara Rogerson, SSPA
Theme - Using waterways in urban areas
- Public transport on water - Karl Garme, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
- Examples from Stockholm City - Amanda Baumgartner, Traffic office City of Stockholm
- Waste on water - Dencity project - TBN
Concluding remarks
16:00 END
The program is under construction. More details later.
NOTE! The seminar is aimed at industry, academia and the public sector interested in the area. The seminar is free and lunch is included, but registration is required. No attendance without cancellation is charged with 500 SEK. The seminar will be held in English.