Publications & Press
- Offshore Wind Energy and Green Hydrogen - Offshore test facilities and hydrogen
- Infographic: This was Inn2POWER
- The German Green Hydrogen State of the Nation Report
- The United Kingdom's Green Hydrogen State of the Nation Report
- The Dutch Green Hydrogen State of the Nation Report
- Belgium's Green Hydrogen State of the Nation Report
- Green hydrogen state of the nations summary report
- Final report on the study of test facilities and the needs of SMEs
- White paper “IP and Transnational cooperation contracts in the offshore windenergy sector”
- White paper “Transnational consultancy contracts in the offshore wind industry”
- Publication “Offshore windenergie, een zee van voordelen” (Dutch / Belgian version)
- Publication “Good reasons for European offshore wind power” (UK version)
- Publication “Gute Gründe für die europaïsche Offshore-Windkraft” (German version)
- Stakeholder analysis of Belgium
- Stakeholder analysis of Denmark
- Stakeholder analysis of Germany
- Stakeholder analysis of the Netherlands
- Stakeholder analysis of the United Kingdom
- Inn2POWER infographic
- Offshore Wind Energy MBA
- Inn2POWER Flyer
- Report analysis and strategy harbour logistics
Press & Press releases
- 26 april 2023 | Yellow pages for Offshore Wind and Green Hydrogen: Inn2POWER helped 1,999 SMEs expand into interregional markets
- 26 September 2022 | Inn2POWER adds transparency to the wind industry and green hydrogen supply chain
- 25 February 2022 | Inn2POWER connects the wind industry and green hydrogen supply chain
- 25 March 2021 | Inn2POWER puts wind in the sails of the offshore wind energy sector
- 3 February 2021 | North Sea project has created 1.700 international SME contacts
- 31 August 2020 | Cowboy Henk toont troeven van offshore windenergie
- 24 August 2020 | 10 schilderijen van Cowboy Henk promoten offshore windenergie
- 21 August 2020 | Cowboy Henk toont op ludieke manier de voordelen van offshore windmolens in openluchtexpo
- 21 August 2020 | Cowboy Henk promoot windenergie op zee
- 21 August 2020 | Herr Seele en Kamagurka zetten Cowboy Henk in om windmolens op zee met een knipoog in de kijker te zetten
- 6 May 2020 | Escape room puts offshore wind industry in the spotlights
- 4 February 2020 | North Sea Region Blog: 5 ways to speed up the energy transition
- 2 February 2020 | Deutsche und Briten vertiefen die Offshore-Wind-Zusammenarbeit auch nach dem Brexit
- 29 January 2020 | Deutsche und Briten vertiefen die Offshore-Wind-Zusammenarbeit
- 22 January 2020 | Studie: Politik gefährdet Wertschöpfung in der Offshore-Windbranche
- 17 December 2019 | UK supply chain holds match-making date
- 20 November 2019 | Inn2POWER Offshore-Wind-Events kommen nach Kopenhagen, Stuttgart, Ostend und Esbjerg
- 17 October 2019 | Escape Room moet jongeren enthousiast maken voor job in de offshore windenergiesector
- 28 June 2019 | Germans Launch Offshore Wind Supply Chain Support Campaign
- 28 June 2019 | Neue Kampagne soll Wertschöpfungskette der Offshore-Windindustrie unterstützen
- 27 June 2019 | 11. Branchentag Windenergie NRW diskutiert über Zukunft der Industrie
- 27 June 2019 | WAB presents the German Inland Campaign at the Branchentag Windenergie NRW.
- 26 June 2019 |Die Zukunft der Windindustrie steht am 11. Branchentag Windenergie NRW im Mittelpunkt
- 2 May 2019 | Eerste call Blauwe Cluster overtreft verwachtingen
- 7 March 2019 | Königlicher Besuch: WAB und NNOW unterzeichnen kooperationsvereinbarung
- 9 November 2018 | Windfarms in Kent: Free conference at Ashford International Hotel to highlight supply chain opportunities for SMEs
- 13 September 2018| Hochschule Bremerhaven und Business Academy SydVest bieten Offshore Wind Energy MBA an
- 3 September 2018 | Inn2POWER stärkt Mittelstand der führenden Offshore-Windregionen – WAB e.V. und zehn europäische Partner starten 5,5 Millionen-Euro-Projekt
- 23 July 2018| Invitation - Ny international master i offshore wind energy - for ledere i offshoreindustrien
- 19 July 2018| Inn2Power werkt aan offshore wind supply chain
- 5 June 2018 | Registreer je nu voor North Sea Offshore 2018
- 4 June 2018 | Decommissioning op de Noordzee
- 1 June 2018 | René Peters over de Noordzee als transitieversneller voor Nederland
- 29 May 2018 | Bedrijfsbezoeken in Den Helder tijdens North Sea Offshore 2018
- 25 May 2018 | North Sea Offshore 2018: programma bekend!
- 24 May 2018 | Eveline Otten over het Klimaat en Energie Akkoord tijdens NSO 2018
- 23 May 2018 | North Sea Offshore 2018: Programme announced
- 22 May 2018 | North Sea Offshore 2018: Program announced
- 18 May 2018 | Programma North Sea Offshore 2018 bekend
- 25 April 2018 | Registratie voor North Sea Offshore 2018 is geopend!
- 26 February 2018 | Internationale matchmaking tijdens Windforce 2018 conferentie
- 5 February 2018 | The Best of the Belgian Offshore World
- 31 January 2018 | Kent Champions UK Offshore Wind
- 30 January 2018 | Kent trumpets offshore options
- 12 June 2017 | “Inn2POWER” project strengthens small and medium enterprises of the leading offshore wind energy regions
- 6 June 2017 | Inn2POWER Brings North Sea Offshore Wind SMEs Together
- 6 June 2017 | North Sea nations unite
- 14 February 2017 | Windnetzwerk Wab tritt Inn2Power-Initative bei
- 14 February 2017 | EU-Projekt Inn2power: Stärkt Mittelstand der Offshore-Branche
- 13 February 2017 | Förderung von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen der Offshore-Windregionen
- 12 June 2017 | “Inn2POWER” project strengthens small and medium enterprises of the leading offshore wind energy regions
- 6 June 2017 | Inn2POWER Brings North Sea Offshore Wind SMEs Together
- 6 June 2017 | North Sea nations unite
- 14 February 2017 | Windnetzwerk Wab tritt Inn2Power-Initative bei
- 14 February 2017 | EU-Projekt Inn2power: Stärkt Mittelstand der Offshore-Branche
- 13 February 2017 | Förderung von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen der Offshore-Windregionen