In the media

Here are some of the publications that appeared in the media:

Publications in 2022: 

Bouwspecial Industrieel Bouwen

INDU-ZERO wants to break the deadlock in large-scale home renovation (in Dutch)

June 2022

Local radio station 1Twente

'Warm coat' of homes in Stepelobrink does not fit that well yet (in Dutch)

June 2022

Newsletter des Vereins der Wirtschaftsingenieure für Transportwesen (Hochschule Bremerhaven)

INDU-ZERO: energy-efficient building renovation with the help of smart factories, page 8-10 (in German)

May 2022

North Sea Region Blog

5 ways to supercharge the energy transition

May 2022

Wissen (knowledge from universities of applied sciences in Niedersachsen, Germany)

Energy-efficient building renovation from the Smart Factory

April 2022

Aedes Innovation e-book 2022

Walking through the future and seeing what can already be done, page 16 (in Dutch)

April 2022

Press release Kamp C

Invitation to visit the Kamp C exhibition about the INDU-ZERO renovation packages (in Dutch). 

April 2022

IVVD Kennisplatform

Article on website: Insulation jacket for energy-neutral home (in Dutch)

April 2022

Upshot (newsletter Interreg North Sea Region)

INDU-ZERO is mentioned twice in the project highlights

March 2022

Construction Scotland Innovation Centre

10 impactful women in construction (International Women's Day), one of them being INDU-ZERO's project manager Ulla-Britt Krämer

March 2022

Platform PREFAB

Article in the PREFAB yearbook 2022 about the INDU-ZERO Smart Factory (in Dutch). You can order the yearbook by using this link

February 2022


what role does the installation sector play in the energy transition? (in Dutch)

February 2022


Corporation house with insulation jacket, a game changer from the Smart Factory (in Dutch)

January 2022


'When does construction reach the tipping point for large-scale renovation?', blog by Ulla-Britt Krämer (project leader INDU-ZERO) (in Dutch)

January 2022

Duurzaam Gebouwd.        

Innovation Catalogue 2022 (in Dutch)                       

January 2022


Publications in 2021: 

De Renovatieversneller

Online article of Dutch platform De Renovatieversneller (in Dutch): 'The future starts now'

November 2021

Twentsche Courant Tubantia

Innovative renovation package put as a tea hat over houses in Enschede: three ordinary terraced houses attract international attention (in local newspaper the Netherlands, article is in Dutch)

November 2021

Interreg EU Article about the importance of the energy efficiency first principle that mentions INDU-ZERO as an example of one of the initiatives in that direction

November 2021

Saxion University of Applied Sciences Article about the INDU-ZERO end event that took place on 7 October (in Dutch)

October 2021

Duurzaam Gebouwd Article about the Renovation Wave event on 9 September (in Dutch)

August 2021

Energiesprong Deutschland Article in newsletter: 'INDU-ZERO progress: smart factory and training tools' (in German)

May 2021

Duurzaam Gebouwd Publication in online magazine: Industrialization; certainty, speed and choice (in Dutch) May 2021
CSIC (Construction Scotland Innovation Centre) INDU-ZERO is mentioned in CSIC's newsletter May 2021
innovation & energie                                Publication in German magazine of the EnergieAgentur.NRW (Nordrhein-Westfalen): 'Die vollauomatische Sanierungsfabrik' (page 20) May 2021                    
Duurzaam Gebouwd Publication in online magazine: Smart on-site renovations (in Dutch) January 2021


Publications in 2020:


Article in Swedish magazine about technology in the construction sector (page 50) December 2020

Nieuwe Energie Overijssel

Publication on website: How can INDU-ZERO quickly and affordably renovate 22 million homes in northern Europe?  November 2020 

De Tijd

Article in an annex of the Belgian newspaper: Energy neutral doesn't have to be expensive

Interreg Europe

Online publication: INDU-ZERO aims renovation of 22 million houses


Article in the EnergiesprongDE newsletter

dena (Deutsch Energie-Agentur) newsletter

Smart Renovation Factory: Fabrik soll klimagerechte Sanierung von 22 Millionen Häusern realisieren: Zukunft Haus, Ausgabe 6/2020

Binnenlands Bestuur

The Dutch journalistic platform for officials and managers working in governance and policy



Interview with two of the project members: dr. Kerstin Lange and Bennet Zander (Jade Hochschule).
Entrepeneur Professional information about building materials and techniques in construction. writes and translates texts on construction and architecture and regularly organizes seminars and events related to construction and architecture.

May 2020
Kamp C Press release about Kamp C functioning as one of the INDU-ZERO showcases. May 2020
Tubantia Article in local paper (Eastern part of the Netherlands) Tubantia about the 12,5 million that the province of Overijssel is investing in sustainable homes and renewable energy.  May 2020
New Energy Overijssel the Province of Overijssel (Netherlands) approved an investment proposal of the New Energy Overijssel programme. New Energy Overijssel 2017-2023 connects and strengthens partners and initiatives that contribute to the energy transition in Overijssel.

March 2020

Homepage of Jade Hochschule, Fachbereich Seefahrt und Logistik 

Kurzvorstellung 'Industrialisation of house renovations towards energy-neutral (INDU-ZERO)'

February 2020 
Pressespiegel der Jade Hochschule 

Industrialization of the production, S. 61

February 2020 
NRC INDU-ZERO is mentioned in Dutch national newspaper NRC. The article is about Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte pleading for a decrease of national contributions to the EU. 

February 2020


Publications in 2019:

Aedes  Interview with Rutger Vrielink, manager strategy and innovation at Domijn (Dutch housing association) about how to reduce the costs for sustainable renovations.

December 2019

Cobouw  Interview with Ulla-Britt Krämer about the kind of factories that are needed to produce renovation packages in mass production.

October 2019

Nordwest Zeitung Energy transition too expensive

August 2019

Wilhelmshavener Zeitung 

22 Mio Häuserenergetisch sanieren: FORSCHUNG Klimaziele in der Nordseeregion durch nachhaltiges Wohnen erreichen (03.08.2019, Print S. 15).

August 2019

The Herald Scotland Scots scientists to help retrofit European homes

August 2019

PREFAB INDU-ZERO was one of the partners of PREFAB, the most up to date and complete fair in the field of pre-manufacturing within the civil and utility building. This article explains why. 

August 2019


Klimaziele in der Nordseeregion durch nachhaltiges Wohnen erreichen, Newsletter, S. 1. (Pressespiegel JHS vom 23.7.2019, S. 30)

July 2019 
Kreiszeitung Wesermarsch

Energiesparen im Blickpunkt: Forscher wollen Klimaziele in der Nordseeregion durch nachhaltiges Wohnen erreichen, S. 18 (Pressespiegel JHS vom 23.7.2019, S. 25)

July 2019

Jadewelt Publication in the magazine of Jade Hochschule (in German: 'Klimaziele in der Nordseeregion durch nachhaltiges Wohnen erreichen'.

July 2019

Pioneering  Publication about how the INDU-ZERO project was initiated. 


Nordwest Zeitung

Article about the why of the INDU-ZERO project (in German): 'Energetische Sanierung günstiger'.

June 2019


Publication about the challenges that housing associations are facing to accelerate renovations and meet the Europeanclimate goals on time. 

June 2019

De wijk van morgen

The five sustainability challanges for housing corporations

June 2019


Publication in the magazine of Jade Hochschule (in German): 'Nachhaltigkeit für 22 Millionen bestehende Häuser in der Nordseeregion'. 

February 2019

Bouw & Wonen

Publication about Kamp C and UGent participating in INDU-ZERO project

February 2019




















innovation & energie

Publication in German magazine of the EnergieAgentur.NRW (Nordrhein-Westfalen): 'Die vollautomatische Sanierungsfabrik' (page 20) May 2021

 Duurzaam Gebouwd

Publication in online magazine: Smart on-site renovations January 2021

innovation & energie

Publication in German magazine of the EnergieAgentur.NRW (Nordrhein-Westfalen): 'Die vollautomatische Sanierungsfabrik' (page 20) May 2021

innovation & energie

Publication in German magazine of the EnergieAgentur.NRW (Nordrhein-Westfalen): 'Die vollautomatische Sanierungsfabrik' (page 20) May 2021

 Duurzaam Gebouwd

Publication in online magazine: Smart on-site renovations January 2021

innovation & energie