
Here you can follow our workshops and conferences developing INDU-ZERO. We hope to meet you there!



3-6 July 

CESB22 (Prague, Czech Republic)

28 June

Open house INDU-ZERO Showcase (Enschede, the Netherlands)

9-12 Jun

The Festival of the New European Bauhaus (Brussels, Belgium)

8-10 June

NOFOMA Conference (Reykjavik, Iceland)

23-25 May

North Sea Conference 2022 (Brugge, Belgium)

17 May

Open house INDU-ZERO Showcase (Enschede, the Netherlands)

8 April 

Open house INDU-ZERO Showcase (Enschede, the Netherlands)

11 Febr.

Open house INDU-ZERO Showcase (Enschede, the Netherlands)

20 Jan.

Q & A session about the INDU-ZERO logistics (online)

14 Jan.

Open house INDU-ZERO Showcase (Enschede, the Netherlands)




7 Oct

INDU-ZERO end event (online/live), Zwolle, the Netherlands

12 May

Lecture Mass home renovations in Europe and Beyond organized by TU Delft Urban Energy Institute

15 April

Webinar Industrialization (in Dutch) organized by Duurzaam Gebouwd




15 Dec. 

CPIC (professional organization for civil engineering) webinar, Argentina

2-4 Nov.

Beyond 2020 webinar, Gothenburg, Sweden

15 Oct.

European Weeks of Cities and Regions, EURegionstalk, Brussels, Belgium

27 Aug.

INDU-ZERO webinar: product & architecture design

5 March

Net Zero Now event, Energiesprong Germany, Berlin

3 March

SPRYG Real Estate Academy




12 Dec.    

Knowledge session Pioneering, Nijverdal, The Netherlands

3 Dec.

Bouwpoort meeting, The Hague, the Netherlands

8 Nov. 

Construction 2020 working group meeting thematic group 1 (Stimulating investment in building renovation, infrastructure and innovation), Brussels, Belgium

8-10 Oct.

Prefab, Den Bosch, the Netherlands
11-14 Sept.  Sustainable Built Environment D-A-CH Conference, Graz, Austria                               
2-4 July Central Europe Sustainable Building Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic
4-8 June  International Social Housing Festival, Lyon, France
19 March  Pixii Expert Day, Gent, Belgium 
8 March  TKI Urban Energy meeting, Utrecht, the Netherlands