Here you can follow our workshops and conferences developing INDU-ZERO. We hope to meet you there!
2022 |
3-6 July |
CESB22 (Prague, Czech Republic) |
28 June |
Open house INDU-ZERO Showcase (Enschede, the Netherlands) |
9-12 Jun |
The Festival of the New European Bauhaus (Brussels, Belgium) |
8-10 June |
NOFOMA Conference (Reykjavik, Iceland) |
23-25 May |
North Sea Conference 2022 (Brugge, Belgium) |
17 May |
Open house INDU-ZERO Showcase (Enschede, the Netherlands) |
8 April |
Open house INDU-ZERO Showcase (Enschede, the Netherlands) |
11 Febr. |
Open house INDU-ZERO Showcase (Enschede, the Netherlands) |
20 Jan. | |
14 Jan. |
Open house INDU-ZERO Showcase (Enschede, the Netherlands) |
2021 |
7 Oct |
INDU-ZERO end event (online/live), Zwolle, the Netherlands |
12 May |
Lecture Mass home renovations in Europe and Beyond organized by TU Delft Urban Energy Institute |
15 April |
Webinar Industrialization (in Dutch) organized by Duurzaam Gebouwd |
2020 |
15 Dec. |
CPIC (professional organization for civil engineering) webinar, Argentina |
2-4 Nov. |
Beyond 2020 webinar, Gothenburg, Sweden |
15 Oct. |
European Weeks of Cities and Regions, EURegionstalk, Brussels, Belgium |
27 Aug. |
INDU-ZERO webinar: product & architecture design |
5 March |
Net Zero Now event, Energiesprong Germany, Berlin |
3 March |
SPRYG Real Estate Academy |
2019 |
12 Dec. |
Knowledge session Pioneering, Nijverdal, The Netherlands |
3 Dec. |
Bouwpoort meeting, The Hague, the Netherlands |
8 Nov. |
Construction 2020 working group meeting thematic group 1 (Stimulating investment in building renovation, infrastructure and innovation), Brussels, Belgium |
8-10 Oct. |
Prefab, Den Bosch, the Netherlands |
11-14 Sept. | Sustainable Built Environment D-A-CH Conference, Graz, Austria |
2-4 July | Central Europe Sustainable Building Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic |
4-8 June | International Social Housing Festival, Lyon, France |
19 March | Pixii Expert Day, Gent, Belgium |
8 March | TKI Urban Energy meeting, Utrecht, the Netherlands |