IMPULS Industry 4.0-Readiness Online Self-Check
This tool assesses companies in six 'dimensions' and shows their progress in comparison with competing enterprises.After sensitizing an SME on the topic of Industry 4.0 (if necessary) the involved persons will most likely be interested in their own level. They should know about their SME’s situation but they probably won’t know about their level in comparison with competing enterprises. This is where the IMPULS Industry 4.0-Readiness Online Self-Check comes into action. It’s an assessment tool created by VDMA (Mechanical Engineering Industry Association) and assesses interested companies in six different “dimensions”: Strategy and organization, Smart factory, Smart operations, Smart products, Data driven services and Employees. The intention is to motivate them to progress in digitization. The results comprise ratings from 0 (Outsider) to 5 (Top performer) as well as general advice on how to proceed with Industry 4.0 implementation efforts.
Target audience:
CEOs and technical directors in small and medium companies. Intended for both starting and growing companies, not yet automated or beginning automation.
The tool can be used by large, automated companies to verify their self-perception regarding digitization level, though.
Effort needed:
1-2 representatives of the company, with knowledge about the technical situation will spend 30 minutes for the test.
No financial expenditure needed.
The tool has earned positive feedback: the questions make the SME resume all reflections on innovation processes
and the self-check results of more advanced SMEs reflect their self-perception.