
Representatives of all work packages and regions gather to make selection of tools to be used

05 September 2018 - Published by Marijke Van Gysegem
In July we had a meeting with representatives of all work packages and regions in Cambridge. The goal was to discuss the tools and methods collected in the different regions and make a selection of the best ones, to be further developed in the GrowIn 4.0 project.

In the previous months, the partners in the different regions went out in search of existing tools and methods to accomplish the different goals specified in the GrowIn 4.0 project.

The gathering of best practices was an important aim in the GrowIn 4.0 project. The partners came up with no less than 19 existing tools and methods. They were presented and discussed in Cambridge, to select the most favorable to be further developed, adapted or combined with other tools. 

All participants returned home, minds brimming with plans. To be continued! 


Cambridge meeting in July




Cambridge meeting in July Cambridge meeting in July
Cambridge meeting in July Cambridge meeting in July