Flanders local stakeholders meet twice in 2018
One of the goals in the GrowIn 4.0 project is to establish a strong network of stakeholders locally and internationally.
In the Flanders region, the stakeholders gathered for the first time on the site of 'Advanced Engineering' in Ghent. They were presented the project and had a discussion concerning industy 4.0. They proceeded to visit the fair 'Advanced Engineering' together, were inspired by the conferences and got a private demonstration in the 'Make Lab'.
The second meeting of the Flemish local stakeholders will be on the site of Open Manufacturing Campus in Turnhout, one of the Flemish partners in the project. Not only the GrowIn 4.0 project will be discussed, there will be keynotes on the Made Different approach and two succesful Flemish SMEs will tell their story: Luxexcel and Borit. Un top of that, this will be an exclusive opportunity to visit the Open Manufacturing Campus.