New GEANS video: Phd research within the sand extraction pilot explained

19 June 2023 - Published by Nele Jacobs
The bottom of the North Sea is not only full of sand, but also full of life, such as crabs, starfish, worms, snails, .... But what impact do humans have, for example through sand extraction, on all that life?

To find out, experts manually check which (sometimes very small!) animals they can find in samples from the seabed. Analyzing one sample can take up to 10 hours. This can be done in a better & cheaper way, believes Laure Van den Bulcke (ILVO - UGent). She is working on a better method within the framework of the European GEANS project. How? View the video (in Dutch)!

Welke impact heeft de mens op de Noordzee? | Wetenschap uitgedokterd