SHARE-North’s Webinar on “Promoting Social Inclusion through Shared Mobility”

05 February 2019 - Published by Lyndsay Bloice
Did you miss SHARE-North's webinar on innovative shared mobility solutions that support social inclusion for less-mobile individuals?

SHARE-North’s Webinar on “Promoting Social Inclusion through Shared Mobility”, which took place on Nov 16, saw experts discuss innovative concepts for sharing wheelchair-friendly vehicles.

The experts were:

Jeffrey Matthijs from the Flemish NGO Autodelen.net, initiator of the AVIRA concept;

Angelo Meuleman from the Belgian NGO Taxistop (G-PaTRA project partner), provider of mobility services for the less mobile;

and Gerard van den Bos from the Dutch organisation ANWB AutoMaatje, who coordinate volunteer driving services for less mobile people – a service inspired by Taxistop.

Their presentations are available here.

A recording of the webinar is available here (note that you will have to supply your name and email address in order to access the webinar).