Success stories
Cache of good projects with SMEs
Reports and papers
Final report – Evaluation of the efficacy of Futures by Design
Evaluation project period by B.F. Dijkstra
A thriving company culture drives sustainable success
Data Report - SME Data Maturity
Cybersecurity - Self-help starter kit
SME Guide for Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) – Special focus on Security
Clustering is the first data superpower a company should learn
How drone technology can impact SMEs in the near future
Artificial Intelligence: sounds scarier than it actually is
Web scraping: an accessible data acquisition opportunity for every company – even SMEs
Digital currencies: The question is not if, but when and how it will start to impact your business
Barriers and drivers for data driven innovation amongst SMEs (online version) Use this link for downloadable pdf with active hyperlinks
Increasing the data maturity of SMEs
Why you should care – What it means to be data-driven and how to get there
Desk Study Evaluation 2020 (online version, use this link for downloadable version.
Evaluation FBD pen and paper tools
Success factors, pitfalls and progress – Insights from the focus group interviews
How to commercialize Futures by design and secure its legacy
Evaluation of tools and methods
Best practices in overcoming pitfalls and barriers
Futures by design in different regional contexts
Regional Comparisons - SME Outcomes
Regional Comparisons - SME Characteristics
FBD Legacy - Merge organizational form
Evaluation – Digital skills of SMEs
Futures by Design in Perspective
External Newsletter, November 2022
External Newsletter, March 2022
External newsletter, September 2021
External Newsletter, June 2021
External Newsletter, November 2020
External Newsletter, June 2020