Open Manufacturing Campus
About the partner
Open Manufacturing Campus (OMC) is a non-profit, triple helix organization. OMC is an open innovation campus and community focusing on engineering/manufacturing companies (SMEs) that want to grow as Industry 4.0 factories fast and controlled within a scalable infrastructure, using the production ramp-up knowledge/expertise of a highly-skilled workforce available from Philips Lighting on the same site. OMC's ambition is to become the most productive square km in high-tech/life sciences in the wide area.
Role in FBD
OMC collaborates closely with BLENDERS to develop the HSKT concept towards an entity that brings together SMEs within the hinterlands of the major industrial clusters (e.g. Antwerp harbor) to develop them using a data-driven approach in their scale-up phase based on the project's tools. OMC is practitioner in the project and is a platform for cross-sector know-how dissemination across the three economic sectors for the many SMEs in its community.