Exploring the advantages of the EksoVest and Leg-X exoskeletons for SMEs and construction workers

02 November 2021 - Published by Kraftvaerk
Researchers from EXSKALLERATE partner the University of Gävle have tested the EksoVest and Leg-X exoskeletons for construction and manufacturing work.

Construction and manufacturing workers undertake physically strenuous activities that rapidly increase risks of injury, health problems, disability, and sick leave. 

Large companies such as Ford, Audi and Toyota are already using exoskeletons and have reported an 85% reduction in sick leave & work-related injuries. However, SMEs, construction and logistics workers are reluctant to use exoskeletons due to a lack of awareness. 

The University of Gävle, through the EXSKALLERATE project, aims to reach out to such SMEs in Sweden through Lab visits, demos, training, and press coverage to create awareness. 

Click the images below to download the posters, featuring the results of exoskeleton testing at the Assistive Exoskeletons Lab. Researchers found a reduction of almost 60% in human effort.




