
The assessments of both the Expression of Interest and the Full Application are based on the programme’s selection criteria. For the expression of interest a limited set of criteria is used to assess the degree to which a potential project will match the programme’s objectives and envisaged results. All expressions of interest, which fulfil the basic requirements, will be subject to an assessment and a subsequent decision by the Steering Committee. The outcome of the Steering Committee decision will be communicated to the lead beneficiary in writing.

The full application goes further and focuses on how the project will be delivered. It also addresses more procedural questions concerning eligibility, horizontal principles and coordination. The submission is followed by a full technical assessment, including an eligibility check and a qualitative assessment of the proposal. It ends with a recommendation to the Steering Committee on whether the project should be approved or rejected. In comparison to the first step, the processing time for this part takes considerably longer.

The Steering Committee forms its own opinion and subsequently approves or rejects your full application taking account of the recommendation.

Rejected proposals may, if the Steering Committee believes that the project has sufficient potential, be invited to re-apply taking into account the comments of the Steering Committee.

If an applicant believes that errors have been made in connection with the processing of an application, it is possible to file a complaint to the Monitoring Committee. Complaints will be processed in line with a complaints procedure.
