Application forms

Expressions of interest and full applications will only be accepted as electronic submissions through the online monitoring system. The electronic forms to be filled in and used are based on the forms which can be found below.

The forms are based on a set of harmonised and simplified forms, which have been developed together with other ETC programmes and the European Commission. This new approach is an element in the overall attempt to harmonise administrative procedures and templates as much as possible, in order to streamline processes and bring down administrative costs.

Detailed information about how to submit applications in the online monitoring system can be found here. Please be aware that the Lead Beneficiary needs to designate a person for the digital signature. This might take a while and the designation needs to start as early as possible and by no means towards the end of a call. More information here

Application forms (for information only - submission through online monitoring system):
Application form: Expression of interest
Application form: Full application
