Fashion's new, new look – new book looks at transmedia trends

19 September 2017 - Published by Julie Craik

Film and transmedia currently broaden our understanding of the concepts of storytelling and branding in entirely new ways.

We are only beginning to see what Createch – combining creative digital solutions –  can offer.
So the Create Converge tram have produced a Fashion Film Transmedia Anthology featuring experts from Denmark, Spain, Italy, Sweden and the UK.

In the context of fashion, it is being discovered that effective combinations of creative digital technologies provide a foundation for creative thinking and innovation.

Create Converge’s work in this field is led by partner VIA University College and has attracted international attention.

This anthology has taken on the role of knowledge gatherer in the field of fashion film and createch.

Download for free here: CreateConverge – Fashion Transmedia Anthology – 2017.


In its nine articles, experts share their knowledge and practice in this new crossover discipline. The anthology looks into how luxury fashion has been embracing digital transformation.



It investigates a definition of fashion film and looks into possibilties for fashion in a transmedia world. It also explores an understanding of audience and genre in fashion film and looks at future perspectives. The articles are also filled with examples and case studies.

We don’t claim to have all the answers. Rather it’s a collection of perspectives bringing more light and knowledge to this emerging field that has such great potential.

To fast-track through the book, every article also offers a list of Takeaways.

Here’s a full list of our esteemed contributors:

The Development in Luxury Fashion Brands’ Web Presence and Use of Interactive Media
Rina Hansen, Copenhagen Business School, marketing and omnichannel Director at By Malene Birger.

Defining Fashion Film
Marie Schuller, MA in photography from the University of the Arts London, film-maker and
contributing head of Fashion Film at SHOWstudio.

Fashion films as a new communication format to build fashion brands
Paloma Diaz Soloaga, Professor at the Communication Department Complutense,
University of Madrid.

The Revolution of Fashion Films in Italy
Janet De Nardis, actress, journalist, anchor woman, founder and artistic director Roma Web Fest.

Transmedia Storytelling for Fashion and Brands
Max Giovagnoli, coordinator of the School of Cinema and New Media at the European Institute of Design in Rome.

Transmedia and Fashion – Case Studies and Potentials
Stine Johansen, bachelor’s degree in medialogy and a masters in interactive digital media from Aalborg University. Video production at Brainstorm CrossMedia.

Making Business out of Fashion Film – A Guide to Choice of Genre and Audience
Anja Bisgaard Gaede, CEO SPOTT trends & business, MA in communication and consumerism at University of Aalborg.

Future Trends Within Fashion Film
Sara Ingemann Holm-Nielsen, BA in media and communication from Malmo University.
Co-founder of the multidisciplinary design studio Atelier Cph working on forecasting the future.

The Fashion Experience – a successful learning base for fashion film and transmedia
Ellen Riis assistant professor at VIA Film & Transmedia and head of The Fashion Experience Film and Transmedia Storytelling, VIA University College.