MESH is a brand new, online festival on creative work, design and regenerative thinking.

Event duration: 4 days
Venue: Online
Webcasting daily as MESH TV, the event is produced in collaboration with Southern Sweden Design Days and brings together Create Converge and Creative Ports, both European Union Interreg projects supported by the North Sea and Baltic Sea Regions respectively. It's also a brilliant chance to explore transnational collaboration.

2020 continues to be a dramatic year. It's the year of not knowing which is scary in an era characterized by metrics and predictions. 2020 will have long term effects and we're still groping for ways forward. A sign of the times then, that the first MESH event to fill up was a workshop on inventing point B, on how do we move forward into an unknown future and how can creative, digital and technology help.


MESH Festival is a pick and choose format so you only register for the stuff you want to attend. Everything also plays out online and is 100 % for free. 


MESH offers a mix of inspiring talks, interactive workshops and roundtable discussions with linear TV, film streaming, showcases and other fun stuff. No tight schedule where you have to stay in Zoom all day long (if you don't want to that is). Thematically it will span over design, sustainability and technology.


You browse the program and register for the events you want to attend. Sign up for everything, or sign up for one thing. You design your own week. Most events will be held on Zoom, some will be streamed via Vimeo. A practicalities letter with links and information will be sent out before the event.
