CC in US of A for SXSW 2018

On behalf of CC, Media Evolution hosted a series of networking events in one of the biggest digital media, film and music conferences SXSW in Austin Texas.

This was also an opportunity to share knowledge and information arising through Create Converge during the Festival and bring home new collaborations.

There was a plan to spread the word and that was well and truly accomplished – particularly around the possibilities for sectors beyond entertainment.

For example we used the online VR/AR tutorials that show how to do unique fashion shoots for fashion photographers, and the AR tutorial that shows the possibility of creating an AR image that includes video.

Through networking activities at SXSW at least 20 different companies from southern Sweden went and took part in Create Converge networking and it was evident that this contributed to increased interest and engagement.

Matchmaking event under SXSW 2018 

The event reached about 400 attendees where we had invited 125 special guests for networking. We teamed up with SAS that ran House of Scandinavia which we used for our venue. We also had a panel discussion with The Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce (SACC) in Austin with Scandinavians turned Austinites because of business. For entertainment there were video showcases and DJs.