Welcome to Create Converge


See What I Mean

Create Converge is a new project to help companies in the North Sea region make the most of creative digital solutions to show, tell and sell. 

Big thank you to the North Sea Region VB Programme for supporting Create Converge and for this website.

As we are also creating a networking platform, we have launched a new website for the project.

Please take a look at www.createconverge.eu 

Get in touch by calling, emailing or signing up.

P: +44 (0)1382 432483 | +44 (0)7951 380403

The project brings together nine partners in five regions and countries around the North Sea, Denmark, Germany, Sweden, England and Scotland. 

All partners are listed at our Contact page.

They are all currently involved in supporting the development of creative screen industries and skills.  It taps into their wider networks to deliver on the promise of converging creative technologies (CCT).  

Project leader is Dundee City Council in Scotland and its offices Digital Dundee and TayScreen, the screen office also serving the Councils of Angus, Fife and Perth & Kinross.

Creative technologies are seeing increasing convergence.  Using a mix of all the creative screen tools is invaluable for helping people to enjoy content, understand information and interact with it.  Beyond entertainment, they offer applications for training, service delivery and marketing.

Create Converge is a project co-funded by the European Union North Sea Region VB Programme 2014 - 2020.



Latest Project News

Game tech - so much more than play

26 October 2021

Computer games offer visually rich, interactive and immersive play experiences. Game players can feel transported into another world that they are abl…

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Create Converge at Animation Expose Live powered by University of Hertfordshire

21 June 2021

Virtual and Free on 22nd June 2021. Join us live on Youtube as Create Converge is taking part in Animation Expose Live with The Upshot, a review of wh…

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Create Converge's Visualising Creative Work - VR tool

28 April 2021

Exciting data visualisation tool lets you see connections and opportunities. Interview with David Tree of University of Hertfordshire, leading light o…

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MESH is a brand new, online festival on creative work, design and regenerative thinking.

09 November 2020

Webcasting daily as MESH TV, the event is produced in collaboration with Southern Sweden Design Days and brings together Create Converge and Creative …

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Create Converge Collaborate

03 November 2020

Ready, Steady, Get set, Go

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