This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.
Visit the new website
What is carbon farming?
About the project
Carbon Sequestration techniques
Carbon farming in practice
A conversation with Heleen Klinkert about Carbon Farming
Continuing Carbon Farming
Final report on Carbon Farming now online
The incredible soil aggregate
The awareness of carbon farming in the agricultural sector
Belgian farmers become carbon farmers together with Lidl
ECO Innovation Congress in Papenburg with a strong focus on Carbon Farming
Carbon farming conference: a great success
Carbon Farming Consortium hands over white paper to Frans Timmermans
Invitation Carbon Farming Conference December 8 and 9
Save the date - Conference ‘Incentivising Carbon Farming’
Policy recommendations on how to incentivise carbon farming
We invest locally in a healthy climate through carbon farmers!
Blog: project leader Marjon Krol sharing her view on carbon farming
Flemish farmers union and Soil Service of Belgium collaborate with CO2 platform Claire
Happy to welcome EU Executive Vice-President Mr. Frans Timmermans to our Carbon Farming Conference!
Carbon Farming as a central topic at the Belgian Agribex fair!
The future of Carbon Farming in the Netherlands
Carbon capture in soil: A bridge to the future
Successful Online-Conference on Agroforestry
Workshop: How do farmer and soil get rich by sequestrating carbon?
Get on with carbon farming
Short overview of existing business models
Five promising measures to protect the climate by Carbon Farming
Agricultural trade supplemented by Carbon Farming service
First Belgium pilot: project Beernem
Research of existing business models to valorise carbon sequestration now online
Carbon farming goes overseas
Carbon credits for biochar production
Carbon sequestration in the soil around wind park Krammer
Inventory of Carbon Farming Techniques now online
Interest and activities: Co-creation session in Hamburg very successful
Press release on start Carbon Farming project
Reflections from the Carbon Farming Kick-off meeting
Carbon Farming: Fieldwork in Zeeland by ZLTO
Regional meetings Conservation Tillage: The basics
Study day: Carbon Farming
Call for Participation; Carbon Farming
Kennisbijeenkomst over Carbon Farming in Zeeland, Nederland
ERF: A case of revenue model that rewards sustainable business practices
Carbon Farming went on stage in Germany
Open day at the experimental farm; De Rusthoeve in Zeeland, The Netherlands
Workshop for carbon enrichment in agricultural soils and the possibilities for marketing of climate protection certificates; at Thuenen-Institute of Organic Farming, Germany
ZLTO at the national union day
Workshop on Dutch national soil congress
Carbon Farming in Norla 2019 – 70. North-German Agricultural Exhibition
Brainstormsession on potential incentives for carbon sequestration in Flanders, Belgium
Carbon Farming present @ Werktuigendagen
Carbon Farming at the AGRITECHNIICA 2019
Watch party Carbon Farming movie
Regional meetings Conservation Tillage: The basics
Study day: Carbon Farming
ECOinnovations from biomass: New line of Business Systemic Soil Improvement
Carbon Economy Webinar on "How to tell the whole carbon story": Nori
Carbon enrichment in agricultural soils and the possibilities for marketing of climate protection certificates.
Output library
Carbon Farming
What is carbon farming?
Carbon farming in practice
Carbon Farming
What is carbon farming?
About the project
Carbon Sequestration techniques
Carbon farming in practice
Output library
Carbon farming in practice