Carbon Farming

Workshop for carbon enrichment in agricultural soils and the possibilities for marketing of climate protection certificates; at Thuenen-Institute of Organic Farming, Germany

29 June 2019 - Published by Paula Nijman

On 27.06.2019 the workshop about the carbon enrichment in agricultural soils and the possibilities for marketing of climate protection certificates took place at Thuenen-Institute of Organic Farming. Fifteen participants from agricultural production and consulting, plant breeding and biochar production with a large interest on carbon credit certificates discussed lively about the soil management options to enrich soil organic carbon. After Hans Marten Paulsen (Thuenen-Institute) introduced the “Carbon Farming” project with all its partner Institutions and described the objectives of the project, Zaur Jumshudzade (Thuenen-Institute) presented the field experiments on C-enrichment through various field management systems. Thereafter, Andreas Krallinger from seed company Deutsche Saatveredelung AG (DSV ) presented their research results about the enhancement of soil organic matter with cover crops and nursery crops. The last presentation of the day was from Henning Knutzen from Boden Op Klima- und Energiewende e.V. about the climate protection certificates at the Hürup region in Germany. After the effective discussions at the end of presentations, the attendees visited the “carbon farming” field trial of Thuenen Institute of organic farming in Trenthorst.

