Carbon Farming

Save the date - Conference ‘Incentivising Carbon Farming’

24 September 2021 - Published by Paula Nijman
The final conference of the Carbon Farming project ‘Incentivising Carbon Farming’ will take place on the 8th and 9th of December 2021. Please already save these dates, for the official invitation will be sent to you in November.

During two days, farmers, policymakers, companies, and other stakeholders will discuss the future of carbon farming.

On December 8th we will organise a large plenary conference in hybrid form. The conference will take place physically at Brussels Expo during the Agribex Fair and will also be broadcast online. We have 2 major topics that are important for incentivising carbon farming: (1) business models for carbon sequestration with examples from the Carbon Farming project and (2) stimulating policy. With various interesting speakers from the field, such as farmers, companies and knowledge institutions and EVP Frans Timmermans to speak about the EU Carbon Farming Initiative.

On December 9th we will have a full day of webinars on various subjects such as techniques, monitoring and business models for carbon sequestration with experiences from different projects and countries with focus on Northern Europe.

Please sign up for one or two days of this conference. The final program will be shared with you later on.

December 8th, Conference Incentivising Carbon Farming at Brussels Expo and online:

o   13h30                   Welcome with drinks

o   14h00 – 16h00      Start of Conference

o   16h00 – 17h00      Network drinks with finger food

December 9th, 9h00 – 17h00: full day of webinars

Get your ticket at this site