Scottish Catchment Group
The Scottish Catchment Group is a well-established leader in the field of integrated catchment management in the United Kingdom. This group is interested in promoting natural flood management and the multiple benefits it delivers. The Scottish group (SCO) has three partners: Scottish Government (SG), Tweed Forum (TF) and Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) working together since 2011; this eases coordination and collaboration. Focused on Catchment Laboratories.General information:
The Scottish group (SCO) has three partners: Scottish Government (SG), Tweed Forum (TF) and Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) working together since 2011; this eases coordination and collaboration. Focused on Catchment Laboratories.
The Scottish Government
The Scottish Government has policy responsibility for flood risk management and works closely with a number of partners. These include the Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Scottish Water and local authorities. Working closely together ensures that our approach to flood risk management is sustainable, planned, catchment based and promotes working with nature.
Tweed Forum
Tweed Forum exists "to promote the sustainable use of the whole of the Tweed catchment through holistic and integrated management and planning". In close partnership with our members, Tweed Forum protects, enhances and restores the rich natural, built and cultural heritage of the River Tweed and its tributaries. The Forum works at both the strategic level and the project level in order to achieve tangible benefits on the ground. Our strategic integrated catchment management approach ensures climate change adaptation and resilience underpins the work of the Forum, with an early commitment to exploring the benefits of natural flood management making us a leader in this field.
Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)
SEPA is Scotland’s national flood forecasting, flood warning and strategic flood risk management authority, tasked with setting the direction for flood risk management across the country. In this role, SEPA works closely with local authorities to identify the most sustainable actions to manage flood risk, and outlines the approach to delivery of these actions in Flood Risk Management Strategies and Plans. This includes identifying where opportunities for working with natural processes exist to help reduce the effects of flooding. In support of this work SEPA undertakes a number of activities including opportunity mapping and the production of guidance, such as the Natural Flood Management Handbook.