Länsstyrelsen Skåne - The County Administrative Board of Skåne

The County Administrative Board of Skåne is a representative of the state in Skåne, and serves as a link between the inhabitants, the municipal authorities, the Central Government, the Swedish Parliament and the central state authorities.

General information:

  • A County Administrative Board in each water district has been designated as a water authority with the responsibility of dealing with the quality of the water environment within the district.

  • The water authorities have overall responsibility for ensuring that the EU Water Framework Directive is implemented in Sweden.

  • Each County Administrative Board in each district has a planning secretariat with the task of assisting the water authority with the implementation of the Water Framework Directive.

  • Work is carried out in consultation with municipalities, water quality associations and other local water stakeholders.

Website: http://www.lansstyrelsen.se/skane/En/
