Kystdirektoratet (DCA)

DCA is the Danish Coastal Authority and has a strong knowledge base on design and effect of coastal protection developed during many years of formalised R&D programmes. DCA has an on-going monitoring programme of the effect of coastal protection. DCA is an advisor on coastal issues to public, authorities and politicians.

General information:

  • Research work on coastal topics.

  • DCA is interested in:

    • Gaining more insights on behaviour of shoreface nourishments; proposed analysis of shoreface nourishments with the same software (MorphAn). Analysis of new shoreface nourishment 335 10 664, Krogen Revlefodring and Hofde_33_44_kystnaer_2015

    • Gaining more insight on the behaviour of beach nourishments by re-analysing Hald strand and Nordfyn.

    • Developing guidelines to beach nourishments on Danish coasts based on theory, experience and perhaps DHI study (to be decided in Kystanalyse).

    • Using Xbeach 2D to try to model acute erosion under storm (Sdr. Homsland, Krogen).

    • Analysing of dunes as coastal protection and analysis of Aeolian transport rates based on lidar.

    • Classifying of storms based on impact on dune erosion using lidar data (Sdr. Homsland Tange, Husby klit, Nørlev/Udemarken, Tisvilde hegn).

    • Calculating sediment budget for the Wadden Sea.

