Preferential design chosen for river restoration Kleine Nete (BE)
29 March 2019 - Published by Eric Boessenkool
Flanders Environment Agency has set up a river restoration program for the Kleine Nete, due to the canalized state of this river. Goals are to create more water storage capacity, give an ecological added value and restore the structure of the water course. For three recreation sites, measures were still to be developed. In close consultation with the main stakeholders, a preferential design was chosen. The result of this pre-design-phase is described in a final report.
The research for a possible design for the re-arrangement of the bank zone of the Kleine Nete river at the three recreation sites started within the Building with Nature project. The design study is based on a methodological approach so as many potential solutions and design scenarios as possible can be explored, taking into account spatial opportunities. First of all, various water storage principles were identified at conceptual level. A distinction was made between dike relocation, remeandering, buffering and sequential use.