New BwN platform is now live!
If you are involved in or interested in the Building with Nature project and its solutions or if you are a regular visitor of this website, you know we have gathered a lot of insights, results and solutions over the past few years. All the information gathered is now available in a clear summarized overview on our brand new website:
The new platform acts as a final report but instead of presenting our findings in a PDF, the information is now presented in an appealing and interactive fashion. The Building with Nature project has aimed to find solutions to battle the consequences of climate change, such as flooding, amongst the North Sea Region. We did so by creating ‘living laboratories’ in each participating country, as a means of creating real life situations and monitoring them. We made a distinguishment in coastal studies and in studies concerning estuaries, rivers and lakes. During the course of the project, we also distinguished four challenges that can occur when implementing Nature Based Solutions.
Are you interested in the outcomes of the monitoring of the living laboraties, the challenges we identified and the solutions we found? Please go have a look at the new website, where you can find all of this and more.