Handbook for Building with Nature
21 September 2018A delegation of Rijkswaterstaat in cooperation with the American partner US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is currently working on an international handbook for ‘Building with nature’ to promote floo…
Read moreIHE Delft strengthens water management skills through summer courses
09 August 2018Nature Based Solutions (NbS) is an emerging concept that covers a range of approaches and technologies that use natural processes to address societal challenges. Nature Based Solutions in Water Manage…
Read moreManaging catchments by researching historical changes
05 July 2018River catchments have been subjected to human adaptations for centuries. These often had to do with the delivery of tangible benefits, such as the supply of food and water. More recently, however, mor…
Read moreNew study on flood benefits alongside other benefits
03 July 2018Increased river flood frequency is considered a major risk under climate change. Protecting vulnerable communities is, therefore, a key public policy objective. Natural flood management measures (NFM)…
Read moreScania investigates coast to address problems with erosion
25 June 2018To prevent effects of erosion along the coast, the County board of the province of Scania (Länsstyrelsen Skåne) has developed a planning tool. This allows the planning of exploitation near the coast a…
Read moreBuilding with Nature wins Interreg NSR video competition
18 June 2018The Building with Nature project submitted a short video for the video competition of the Interreg North Sea Region program. From ten entries this video was chosen as the winner. Sarieke Wolthers and …
Read moreShare your opion on the pre-design for the Kleine Nete River (FL)
04 June 2018Due to the canalized state of the Kleine Nete river, Flanders Environment Agency has set up a river restoration program. Goals are to create more water storage capacity, give an ecological added value…
Read moreSummer Course - Nature Based Solutions in Water Management
01 June 2018Get introduced to the basic design and operation principles of Nature Based Solutions and apply these principles in a concrete context. From July 31 to August 3 advanced students and professionals in …
Read moreScientists present findings at Water project science day in Edinburgh
18 May 2018The Scottish Government hosted an EU Interreg Eddleston Water project science day on 26 April in Edinburgh. Scientists involved with the project came together to present and discuss their findings. Th…
Read moreDebate to overcome barriers
18 May 2018Why are Building with Nature measures not implemented more frequently? There are a lot of good examples when it comes to Building with Nature. The United Nations as well as the European union acknowle…
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